Sunday, January 22, 2012

Expert Advisors

Adviser, or automated trading systems - is computer software that can analyze incoming information on prices and on certain algorithms of generating any calls to action.
Most novice traders come to the currency market Forex is because they heard about the use of trade advisers, that sort of bring high profit. But few know the principle of trading advisor. Among the experienced traders views on advisers often disagree on the one hand there are advocates of this trading method, on the other hand, there are many opponents as well as those who are simultaneously combines both style of trading, hoping to still find the "perfect" trading adviser. But is it worth to spend time searching?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Power levels

Power levels are needed to predict the movement of the trend, they also give signals to buy or sell.

The main ones are 3 power levels:

  • Psychological

  • Historical

  • The key, (or even call it local),

  • In addition, the power levels are sometimes serve as a support or resistance line. Based on the concept of force levels, choose two main methods of trading:

    Trading ranges, provides trade from one to another level. It is important to pre-set threshold level of penetration power. When the level of broken down or up, the best thing in this case, wait until the price returns to the line of the breakdown, with the following order to the nearest lower or upper level of force. But if the level of stand, it is necessary to look for signals to increase or decrease the price of the course.
    The essence of this strategy is that, despite the constant movement of prices in the market, you can still select the range in which the price is delayed for a long time.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Oscillators are a set of tools required for signal generation in the turns price trends within a trend and the trend itself. Since the oscillators are also closely linked concepts of oversold and overbought market. If the price in this case is at its upper limit and its further growth is unlikely in this case we say that the market is overbought. At the heart of the oscillators are formulas that use the input data, prices and trading volume. The parameters of these formulas, strongly affect the accuracy of forecasts, so they can be configured so that they give the most accurate forecasts.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wolfe Waves

Wolfe Waves - this is one of the most effective methods of wave analysis, based on finding specific price patterns. Trading method "Wolfe wave" was developed over a known person in the world of Forex, Bill Wolf.
Strategy wave Wolfe is considered one of the most effective "copyright" strategies in today's market analysis. Often, experienced traders achieve serious results, after a perfect master strategy Wolfe wave. But also, we want to warn that newbies should not use this method the wave, at least until they have mastered the basics of trading. Wolfe Waves - a very complicated method and requires full concentration and attention.
Below are some articles from the book Raschke and Connors, which describes a bit of history ...

Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci numbers - is a mathematical relationship and the basis of many methods of analysis of Forex market. Even in the framework of the theory of Elliott, was taken by the mathematical relationship of numbers, which was opened by Leonardo Fibonacci in the 18th century. The number of waves, which together form the trend converges with the Fibonacci numbers.
In his own honor, the sequence of these numbers given the naming of the author of "numeric Fibonacci series."
Leonardo Fibonacci published one of his greatest works, which is called «Liber Abaci». With this book, the Europeans have known of the Indo-Arabic number sequence, after which they were driven out of the use of Roman numerals in mathematics and geometry. All the work of Leonardo Fibonacci brought huge benefits in the sphere of physics, mathematics, astronomy and technical subjects. Itself a numerical relationship of Fibonacci is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (and so on to infinity).

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bollinger Bands

One simple and convenient indicators to analyze the market today are the Bollinger band. They were invented by the well-known analyst of financial markets - by John Bollinger. John Bollinger himself at this time is a technical analyst, founder and president of BCM Inc., Which specializes in asset management industry finance corporations and individuals.
Brought him fame, and his so-called "Bands Bollidzhera" that are recognized and are still used in many computer programs.
Bollinger bands are outwardly very similar to the percentages envelopes moving average line. If the protsentazhe, that is moving in an envelope outside the boundaries established by the direct line of traffic moving average up and down to a reasonable value, denoted as a percentage, the Bollinger Bands, this stretch of the shift is not constant and is expressed in a different number of standard deviations of the price.
The central bar, located in the middle, is a moving average. It is built from it and come Bollinger up and down. Distance bands from the central moving average is controlled by a coefficient which is multiplied by the deviation of the standard form. Because the extent of deviation depends directly on the volatility, in this case, the strip-adjusting themselves: it increases the volatility of the market, and is smaller in less volatile periods.

What is a trailing stop?

When you set a trailing stop (for example, by X points), the following happens: the terminal fails to take any action until such time as the position will not be released to the profit of X points (specified by the trailing stop). After that the terminal puts stop-loss at a distance of X pips from current price (in this case - on the break-even level). When you receive a quote, when the distance between the current market price and the stop-loss `bigger than X points, the terminal sends a command to change a stop at the distance of X pips from current price. Thus, the trailing stop - this is a specific control algorithm stop-loss - «movement after the current market price." Attention! Trailing Stop works only if your terminal is running and connected to the server through the Internet.