Saturday, January 7, 2012

Fibonacci numbers

The Fibonacci numbers - is a mathematical relationship and the basis of many methods of analysis of Forex market. Even in the framework of the theory of Elliott, was taken by the mathematical relationship of numbers, which was opened by Leonardo Fibonacci in the 18th century. The number of waves, which together form the trend converges with the Fibonacci numbers.
In his own honor, the sequence of these numbers given the naming of the author of "numeric Fibonacci series."
Leonardo Fibonacci published one of his greatest works, which is called «Liber Abaci». With this book, the Europeans have known of the Indo-Arabic number sequence, after which they were driven out of the use of Roman numerals in mathematics and geometry. All the work of Leonardo Fibonacci brought huge benefits in the sphere of physics, mathematics, astronomy and technical subjects. Itself a numerical relationship of Fibonacci is as follows: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 (and so on to infinity).

Numeric Fibonacci series has very unusual features, namely, every number in relation to the previous one. The result of adding two adjacent Fibonacci numbers, resulting in a number following the first two. In the example is as follows: 1 + 1 = 2, etc. Ratio of any number to the previous number has a value close to the middle one, 618. For example: 13: 8 = 1, 625, 21 13 = 1, 615, and so on.

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