Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bollinger Bands

One simple and convenient indicators to analyze the market today are the Bollinger band. They were invented by the well-known analyst of financial markets - by John Bollinger. John Bollinger himself at this time is a technical analyst, founder and president of BCM Inc., Which specializes in asset management industry finance corporations and individuals.
Brought him fame, and his so-called "Bands Bollidzhera" that are recognized and are still used in many computer programs.
Bollinger bands are outwardly very similar to the percentages envelopes moving average line. If the protsentazhe, that is moving in an envelope outside the boundaries established by the direct line of traffic moving average up and down to a reasonable value, denoted as a percentage, the Bollinger Bands, this stretch of the shift is not constant and is expressed in a different number of standard deviations of the price.
The central bar, located in the middle, is a moving average. It is built from it and come Bollinger up and down. Distance bands from the central moving average is controlled by a coefficient which is multiplied by the deviation of the standard form. Because the extent of deviation depends directly on the volatility, in this case, the strip-adjusting themselves: it increases the volatility of the market, and is smaller in less volatile periods.

What is a trailing stop?

When you set a trailing stop (for example, by X points), the following happens: the terminal fails to take any action until such time as the position will not be released to the profit of X points (specified by the trailing stop). After that the terminal puts stop-loss at a distance of X pips from current price (in this case - on the break-even level). When you receive a quote, when the distance between the current market price and the stop-loss `bigger than X points, the terminal sends a command to change a stop at the distance of X pips from current price. Thus, the trailing stop - this is a specific control algorithm stop-loss - «movement after the current market price." Attention! Trailing Stop works only if your terminal is running and connected to the server through the Internet.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Trailing Stop

When you set a trailing stop (for example, by X points), the following happens: the terminal fails to take any action until such time as the position will not be released to the profit of X points (specified by the trailing stop). After that the terminal puts stop-loss at a distance of X pips from current price (in this case - on the break-even level). When you receive a quote, when the distance between the current market price and the stop-loss `bigger than X points, the terminal sends a command to change a stop at the distance of X pips from current price. Thus, the trailing stop - this is a specific control algorithm stop-loss - «movement after the current market price." Attention! Trailing Stop works only if your terminal is running and connected to the server through the Internet.

Favorite Stop and Limit orders

This order will be executed when the price reaches the value specified in the warrant. Limit orders (Buy Limit / Sell Limit) is executed only when the forex market is traded on the set in the order or a better price. Limit order to buy (Buy Limit) is placed below the market and limit order to sell (Sell Limit) - above the market. Stop order (Buy Stop / Sell Stop) is executed only when the market set in the order, or worse price. Stop order to buy (Buy Stop) is placed above the market and stop orders to sell (Sell Stop) - below the market.

Installation conditions of orders such as S / L, T / P, Stop and Limit

For all currencies, the order price to be different from the current market bid price or ask for at least 10 points depending on the direction of the position on the Forex.

What is stop-loss (S / L) and take-profit (T / P)?

Stop-loss - is an order that has a very important role in Forex trading, which can be installed during or after the transaction. The purpose of this order - to limit potential losses, ie reaches a certain value quotes stop-loss `a - your position is automatically closed at a loss, or perhaps with a plus, if stop-loss order has been moved either zero or a plus if the price reaches the side opening of the transaction. The term Take-profit - an order similar to warrant stop-loss, but the exact opposite, ie your position is automatically closed when the price reaches the value order.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is leverage?

Leverage - the ratio between the collateral and allocated under its borrowed funds: 1:50, 1:100, 1:200. 1:100 leverage means that you do for the transaction must have a trading account with a broker an amount 100 times less than the amount of the transaction. Example: You buy 1.0 lot USD / JPY. With 1:100 leverage necessary margin would be $ 1,000, at 1:200 - $ 500, and at 1:50 - $ 2000, but the cost of this item is not changed.

Leverage when opening an account for Forex, is automatically set to 1:100. If necessary, you can change the shoulder by contacting technical support.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Terms Forex

Terms Forex trader should begin to understand the basics of the terminology of the market and understand how they work. Due to the fact that the international Forex market (Forex - Foreign Exchange), was born abroad, the set of terms and abbreviations are indicated in English. It is important to immediately grasp the basic concepts and terms, as they frequently will still meet you as you learn the forex market.

Fundamentals of Market

Forex Basics, this section, without which the novice trader, it will be very difficult to move on. Not knowing the highlights of the formation and development of the Forex market would be virtually impossible to understand it more complex mechanisms. Only by relying on these basics of the Forex market, the beginner trader can move on.
During the inception of the Forex market, the price of goods was expressed in the prescribed quantity of other goods, there was a kind of exchange between all market participants.
Money used from the time of the pharaohs, but then they were in various forms. For example, in Babylon at the time, began to use paper money and checks, but still the merchants in the Middle East were the first who began to trade currencies, changing the coins of one country to another coin. Already since the Middle Ages it became necessary to use other forms of money, not just coins.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dow theory

In the late 90s in «Wall Street Journa» an article entitled "A Century of Charles Dow Index," which talked about the possibility of predicting the future market direction based on the results of previous auctions. This article is a famous person Dow Jones, the creator of the popular theory of Dow and the Dow.
This theory is applied with success and now, in today's technical analysis and it is called the "Dow Theory". This theory is repeatedly refined and tested. And with the introduction of computer technology has become easier to perform and display calculations in the theory on the charts. Often, technical analysts are not even aware that a large portion of them as modern instruments like technical analysis, contains at its core concepts and principles of the theory, laid down the Dow Jones.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dealing Centre

Dealing Centre Forex EuroClub gives you the opportunity to take part in the game on the lucrative financial market - the world currency market Forex (Forex).

Services Forex EuroClub:
  • Full legalization of settlements under the laws of the Russian Federation
  • Calculations are in Russian Rubles
  • The absolute minimum bankroll 1,000 rubles.
  • Unique software for online trading on Forex: TradingDesk Pro 5, which has the most user-friendly interface and includes all trading, settlement and information-analytical functions
  • A complete marketing program for mobile phones and devices on Java, Symbian, Android, iOS, Bada, etc.
  • Weekly Contest Forex traders with a prize of 6,000 rubles.Provision of funds in trust

Sunday, December 4, 2011

LED Virtual Trade Monitor

1. AutoDetectPairs (true / false). If true, the display of virtual trade will check if your broker supports the original set of currency pairs, or alternative, and selects appropriate. If set to false, it will use the alternate pair (IBFX), but you can overwrite the «Custom sell the pair," and «Custom buy a pair." Currently there are some pairs shown in parentheses in the row below "Virtual Trade Monitor" (near the top right corner of the diagram)
2. ShowJumps (true / false). If true, the link will be displayed visually lines and arrows. This may be one of the most important features of virtual trade monitor, as it shows how pairs move after the jump!
3. DisplayJumpInfo (true / false). If true display of virtual trade shows will be less than the amount to sell / buy a pair of additional information about the last transition. Especially after the jump happened last time (for example, if you do not sit in front of your computer all the time). In conjunction with the ShowJumps is a good tool to control the movement of jumping pairs.
4. ShowJumpAlert (true / false). If set to true, you will be informed on every jump through the window of a warning (with sound).

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Benefit of working at the Exchange

Today the game on Forex acquired enormous popularity. Why? The answer is simple: Forex market allows you to work only for themselves and earn respectable. But if you think that such success comes to every trader and forex market - a simple and effortless way to earn money, you are deeply mistaken. To find out what the stock market game, what are its pros and cons, we turn to theory.
What is Forex Exchange

Forex Exchange - an electronic system of trading world currencies over the Internet. Stock market game is available to any person who has a computer connected to the Internet. How so?

For example, you have opened a buy position on EURUSD at the price of 1.4312. An hour passed, and the price shot up and the pair was already 1.4612. Closing position at this point, you bail out the 3 cents of every dollar. Not impressed? Now imagine that your gambling is in larger amounts. What you bought and then sold more than 100 and not $ 200, and assume $ 500 000. Gambling with such a sum and the difference between the purchase price and sale price only 3 cents, to bring you $ 15 000. A similar exchange rate fluctuations on the exchange taking place every minute, and at the same price and can vary in a much larger range. And one day you may not make a deal. A week? A month? For the year? If successful trade speculation brings traders high and stable income.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Peculiarities of taxation

The activities of Russian companies, providing dealing services in full, subject to Russian taxes. Dealing Center (or bank) pays income tax, and Bets - a tax on gambling (Moscow - 100 minimum wages per month with each bookmaker offices). Revenues from value-added services (training, consulting, training, etc.) are also subject to taxation on income and taxes. A foreign company pays tax on income from services rendered in Russia, only if they are provided through a permanent establishment of the company. Otherwise - Russian taxes, the company does not appear.

Income clients dealing centers shall be taxable at the rate of personal income tax of 13%. If the broker is a Russian company, the obligation to calculate and withhold from the client and the payment of the tax be passed on to the broker for a client who serves as fiscal agent. Otherwise, the client is obliged to calculate, declare and pay individual income tax.

Market size and liquidity

 The daily turnover of the Forex market, 1988-2007, changes. Billions of dollars

It is believed that the daily turnover on the Forex market was as follows: 
1977 - $ 5 billion
1987 - $ 600 billion
at the end of 1992 - $ 1 trillion
in 1997 - 1.2 trillion dollars
in 2000 - 1.5 trillion dollars
in 2005-2006, the volume of daily turnover on the FOREX market fluctuated, according to various estimates, between 2 to $ 4 trillion
in 2010 - $ 4 trillion. [5] In this case a further increase in intraday turnover to $ 10 trillion in 2020.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

In Russia and Ukraine

Oversight of foreign currency operations in Russia or the Ukraine Central Bank and National Bank of exercise, respectively. However, free unlimited conversion operations of their legislation does not provide. In Ukraine, as of July 2009 as there is no legislative framework for margin trading. Due to the nature of foreign exchange and tax legislation are registered in Russia or Ukraine-brokers usually do not have the legal right to financial services. Most often, they are a licensed bookmaker in the activity. Most major dealing centers generally have a foreign registration, and the local offices do not accept any legal responsibility or they do not officially registered. A client of a company usually has no real opportunity as a challenge of its action and obtain legal protection in conflict situations.

Almost no one confuses that your professional mediator will legally be in the area of ​​offshore regulation, or, for example, that all the contentious issues customers have to settle no closer than the London Court of Arbitration. But as the guarantees of safety of customer deposits from fraudulent attacks will be the license of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism on - attention! - The organization and content of the betting and gambling establishments. In general, the Russian market access to the Forex reigns almost complete freedom.

Forex and government regulation

Forex is based on the principle of free convertibility of currencies, which implies the absence of government intervention in foreign exchange transactions conclusion (there is no official exchange rate, there are no restrictions on the direction of prices and transaction volumes), and the guarantees of freedom of such operations. At the same time, usually set rules and limits on the provision of intermediary services, which are regulated primarily customer relationships (trader) and intermediary (broker).

Office of Financial Regulation and Supervision (English Financial Services Authority, FSA) performs regulatory functions in the financial markets in the UK.

In the U.S., the regulator of the currency market is the government's "Commission on futures trade in goods" (born Commodity Futures Trading Commission, CFTC). In addition, a lot of work to develop rules of trading, the conditions for granting brokerage services and conflict resolution NGO conducts "National Futures Association" (English National Futures Association, NFA). The organization also collects and analyzes special reports, which are required to provide brokers - the members of the association. To listen NFA requirements, not only in the U.S., as U.S. traders and private funds will not open accounts in the company, which does not comply with them.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Risks of Forex

The main risks arising from work in the Forex market are associated with margin trading, telecommunication means and channels, the peculiarities of the foreign exchange market, the broker.

Margin Trading

High leverage is a potentially high profits and large losses. Even a slight change in the exchange rate in an unfavorable position for the trader side can lead to losses in the amount of your investment.

To reduce these risks, comply with the minimum rules of money management: use in commercial transactions only part of the funds to protect the commercial position of excessive damages.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Brokers and advisors in the Forex market

A broker is an intermediary between the foreign exchange market Forex (Forex) and traders. Trading, and otherwise deal in the Forex market, are done by brokers. The broker must necessarily have a license to conduct this activity.

What is a brokerage service to Forex? The main task of the broker - to accept applications from those wishing to take part in trade, as well as the reduction of buyers and sellers of currencies.

However, the brokerage also includes a more extensive range of services:
  • Dealing;
  • counseling on work at Forex market
  • Forex trading training;
  • maintenance, etc.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chaos theory and market reality

When a newbie begins to experience problems in their trade, their first reaction is the idea that success in the market he must learn to predict price movements. With a little effort, he finds that the long-term predictions using fundamental analysis, and for short-term - technical. If our new trader examines the history of prices of the market in which he works, he finds what seems to be repeating patterns. For a long time the markets move up and down the long cyclical waves. If he looks closely, he can find some short-term schedule for the figures that are repeated again and again. Once he opens the world of mathematical indicators, he finds that certain combinations of indicators and figures tend to be repeated - often near the major peaks and troughs.

Finding these recurring patterns of different species, he quickly calculates the dimensions of crazy profit, which is possible if someone would take the right action at the right moment.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Types of operations

The concept of type conversion operation on the Forex is closely intertwined with the terminology of financial instruments. In financial markets, which in addition to the Forex market also includes gold, money market and securities, financial instruments are understood by means of financial transactions. Next will be considered only financial instruments relating to international currency market Forex. Other financial markets and financial instruments beyond the subject matter of the information portal Forex arena and will not be considered further. Types of foreign exchange transactions (financial instruments relating to the Forex) is shown in Fig.

Conversion operation

- a transaction participants forex exchange specified amount of currency of one country's currency for another country at a certain date at a set quote. Conversion operations on different forex value date, ie delivery date of the currency relative to the date of purchase / sale of foreign currency. On this basis conversion transactions can be divided into two categories as shown below:

• Operation type spot (spot) or the current exchange operations;
• Forward (forward) conversion operations.

Designation of currencies on the Forex

In the customary market for our products product is sold for money. How do things stand in the global currency market in which goods are the money itself? It's simple - Forex trading one currency relative to another, that is a unit of one currency offers a certain number of units of another currency.

Since the exchange of a lot, so as not to confuse them in the international standardization committee has assigned each currency code designation of the three Latin letters. The first two letters identify the country of the currency, the third letter, usually (but not always) the first letter of the currency of that country. For example, the code word JPY first two letters identify the country JP Japan (Japan), and the third letter Y determines the monetary unit of Japan - Yen (Yen).

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Broker - a reliable and experienced?

Choose a broker is not so simple. The modern market of brokerage services is growing rapidly. The number of forex brokers in the thousands. And not all of them are worthy of serious attention to the trader. And when it comes to your money, then quite naturally you want to be sure of the reputation and intentions of the broker. Of course, you can independently explore this market, monitor websites to compare rates and terms of service, the functionality of Internet trading, quality and so on. For all this you can not go a week, and months. So we decided to make your life easier. We offer you a kind of checklist to help you when choosing a broker forex. So, what you should pay attention in the first place?

Participants in the FOREX market

Work and earn a FOREX any person who has such a desire.

In order to better understand the whole picture of the market, you need to know who did it trades and how they influence the change of market situation the big players.
In addition to private investors in the FOREX market professionals earn:
  •  central banks of
  • banks market makers 
  •  insurance companies
  • corporate investors
  • investment funds and hedge funds
  • intermediary companies, providing market access to individuals and companies

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Misconceptions and myths about FOREX

Misconceptions, frightening a novice

It is human nature to doubt. People tend to continue to sleep on an uncomfortable bed, go to the old car, go to the hated work. Why? Because any changes in our lives, even positive, as perceived by the subconscious stress. But life is too short to be sure. You do not doubt - if you want to live better? The answer is obvious!
Thus, the main myths about the FOREX:

Forex - a divorce? Forex - scam?

The individual "experts" believe that Forex - deception, Forex - scam, Forex - divorce, especially if the bidding made through an intermediary. If you are interested in the truth about the Forex, then you'll find it in this article. As with any high-yield business, attracting many people, trading in Forex, happens to be the target of fraud and deception. However, forex fraud phenomenon is not frequent and it can be avoided by working with trusted and reputable brokers, one of which is FOREX CLUB. Work without cheating is quite real. We must understand that forex stealth companies that do not differ in honesty, it is easy to calculate. Advantageous to the obscene proposals dealing centers can be a symptom of forex fraud. Of course, the conditions for cooperation to be beneficial, but real - it must be recognized.

Why should I care?

Why do people trade in FOREX, and why me?

No matter what you do and where to learn. Trading will be able to provide you with peace of mind for your financial situation. Perhaps it is you become a hero following the news, as did our trader from China?

You open a trading account with real money to replenish it and begin to contract. The greater the amount of your deposit, the more opportunities for effective trading and risk management!

How to make money on oil and gold?

For over 14 years of the Civil FOREX CLUB offers its customers the opportunity to profit from foreign exchange of international currencies. But life goes on, and our company is committed to providing you with new opportunities for investment.

We offer trade contracts for difference in the prices of popular commodities such as oil, gold, gas, silver, platinum, palladium, zinc, aluminum, copper and others.
What is CFD?

The contract for the difference in price of goods (Contract For Difference, CFD) - a financial tool to sell such assets as gold and oil, gas, nickel, cocoa and cotton, not having these products available. This allows private investors to express themselves in new market segments. Moreover, we almost do not hear every day about how gold prices hit record after record, and the price of oil is about to be once again aspire to the heights.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Global FOREX market

Global FOREX market allows its participants to perform the exchange of one currency for another at a certain, ever-changing exchange rates. Exchange rates determine the relative amount of each currency in the exchange.

Foreign exchange market is by far the largest segment of the global financial market, because it has a turnover of more than 3 trillion. per day, which is much more revolutions of other world markets. A feature of the present stage of development of the forex market is the fact that profit in the forex market can not only banks, investment companies and other big players, but also individuals who have even small savings. This opportunity came thanks to the leverage, which increases the purchasing power trader hundreds of times. This means that having only a few thousand rubles, and in cooperation with Kalita-Finance company, you can become a full participant in this attractive market.

Market participants use FOREX to achieve one or more purposes, such as:

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forex Trading Platforms

For really big money on currency exchanges, you can not lose precious time. For this purpose it is necessary always to follow the latest news. There is a need to build charts instantly, analyze and negotiate mutually beneficial deals and contracts. And all this should be done via the Internet.

For all these purposes a special program, called "trading platform". This program contains a set of useful functions that necessarily require the active trader who wants to get really good results. Such a program begins to take its popularity due to the rapid development of the Internet and the many successful participants in the exchange market, who want to achieve better results in their work. Trading platform should have simple controls, the highest safety, speed and efficiency. These programs can be dozens, but they all have a similar framework and common purpose.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Internet Trading

To date, the development of mass media, computers and the Internet, the trader has become easier to learn the latest information about the course of any currency, the direction of movement of the exchange market, etc. With the advent of such possibilities has become much easier to agree on a deal to buy or sell a currency, and all this and more was possible to do without leaving your home or office. This system works very simply and quickly. The broker gives you access to his charge trading desks, which have their company and they in turn have been associated with a variety of different trading systems and exchanges. This is a huge advantage no deals on the Internet, the advantage is that you do not need to overcome any distance, wait for some time and adjust to someone else.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to predict market behavior

All the latest technology, the latest developments in the stock market, you will not help if you can not guess, do not anticipate changes in exchange rates in the future. The prediction of the market, one of the most important skills an active trader. On the one hand, the term predicting, it seems, invented the field of fiction. In fact, predict the behavior of the stock market is possible. In the history of treyderstva, and it has been around for a long time, you can find a lot of different ways to predict the situation. Several groups of scientists even compete with each other, there is a lot of controversy and doubt about the accuracy of a forecast. Some of the most experienced traders are advised to throw out all your emotions when you're in the stock market. They are only, at one point, you shoot down the right path, interfere implement his plan. If you really want to achieve excellence in this area, you often have to rely on the advice of more experienced participants in exchange for many years worked out the method, but simply to develop and use their knowledge and gain experience. Most traders use three different methods:

1. Technical analysis - compiled by someone a graph showing the courses (quotes) in different currencies.

Forex Tactics game

The emergence of the World Wide Web has changed a lot in Forex. Today, with only a personal computer, Internet access and small start-up capital - every person has the opportunity to enter the market of currency trading Forex and start working as a trader. Fear entering the market do not.

Of course, having diplomas, employees of investment companies have expertise in this matter much more. But they have many limitations of objective and subjective. For example, experts are puzzled on improving your rating and permanent revenue, and try not to use transactions related to risk. Many investment firms also have severe limitations, for example, to invest their capital in one company at a rate of no more than 5%.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Quotes of the course determines the ratio of one currency to another course. The first figure is the base currency, ie currency in relation to which there is a comparison of the rates of other currencies. The second - always one, is determined by the exchange. Central, the most widely used currency for most foreign exchange markets the U.S. dollar, therefore it is taken for the base currency in most of the quotations. So, for example, refer to the quotation Japanese currency: USD / JPY, Canada - USD / CAD. Such designations can often be seen not only in Forex, but in most commercial banks. If you are seeing on screen quote USD / JPY is equal to one hundred twenty (120.00), which means that one U.S. dollar is equivalent to the sum of 120 Japanese yen. In this regard the increasing importance of quotes will mean growth in the dollar and depreciation of the currency being compared to him. For example, if the value is the same quote USD / JPY will be higher - 125.40, the dollar becomes stronger against the Japanese currency as well as for the same dollar can buy more yen. In the case of the British currency (British pound, designated GBP - Great Britain Pound), the quotation will return the form, for example - GBP / USD. Here, accordingly, the pound is the base currency, therefore, quote 1.92 GBP / USD would mean that one British pound equal to the sum of $ 1,92 US. By the same rule defined quotes Australian dollar (AUD) and beloved in recent Euro (EUR). Quotes of the currency will also have all kind of AUR / *** and EUR /***.

Minimum Knowledge

There is a notion as a mandatory minimum of knowledge. For different areas have different mandatory minimums knowledge. For example, first graders, they can not multiply, divide and find the roots of equations, if they do not explain how to do it. Also, the stock market trading. So here you can not just come and start earning money for every person that will need a minimum level of knowledge. These skills should include: knowledge of the terminology, the ability to build a graph, knowledge systems, knowledge of the software, etc.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Successful currency trader

What skills and abilities necessary to possess in order to become a successful currency trader? This question is asked by a lot of newcomers who started work on the forex market and generally do not find the answers. Let's try to still give some useful tips and recommendations that will allow beginners to go one step further in their successful trading in the forex market.
  •  Do not try to work immediately with a few select markets initially only one market and work closely with him only. One of the coolest markets is EUR / USD as others, such as USD / JPY less stable they often occur in large jumps, respectively, they can be as much to lose and a lot of money.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Who is a trader?

Trader - stock market participant who earns the money for a variable rate of different currencies, but lose if you do not guess, you can lose a lot of money. The principle of a trader is to, analyzing trends in foreign exchange to make a profit on the difference between the rates for its sale, and the difference between the prices is called the gain or loss. Typically, traders use the latest technology. They use computers and necessary software, follow the growth or vice versa currency depreciation. Thus, they are graphic, analyze the market, monitor transactions, develop new courses and all this happens in real time, and this is how you understand many important because the global market characterized by sharp changes in currency exchange rates and the rapid conclusion of bargains and t . etc. The work of a trader is very interesting. Because he does not always one and the same. All the time necessary to make new tests, to learn something new, think and grow with the market. And when you put a huge amount, and all of your capital weighs in the balance, you capture an extraordinary feeling, a feeling of fear and excitement. Every time you have to overcome themselves, to fight their inner fears and do what would not do in real life.


Since the purchase / sale of securities in the global stock market over the Internet is through intermediaries, dealing center in this case, it may be a mediator, as a broker. So, it's easy to guess that the dealing center may act as your broker. So why is it necessary? The answer is simple - for convenience, not to delve into the intricacies of certain operations. But probably most people will ask: "What is easy? The mere excitement, but do not steal our money there? ". Let us, as it should, take a look at how secure the system. For this we must first understand how it works.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Currency Exchange

To date, currency exchanges play an important role in the market.

Exchanges based on short-term operations, such as London, are in great demand and are most effective in our time. Currency Exchange allows anyone to quickly implement the currency exchange of any complexity and volume. Any such exchange is a legal entity that regulates the wholesale market through the organization and settlement of exchange trading of foreign currency.

This is a place where people can freely buy or sell currency of any country, for the money of another country, on the basis of quotations (ratio to each other) between the money is made up of the demand / supply.

Investment members

Forex Investment members are always interested in buying government and corporate securities. They usually represent various insurance companies, investment and pension funds. The most common use of diversified management policy stakes involving the use of all local investments in deposits in a particular security. The best-known today is a successful investment fund Quantum, an American-based George Soros, who for years cranked cunning machinations of the various world currency markets.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Central banks

The main function of central banks is to manage the foreign reserves of the country. In each country, the central bank artificially control the exchange rate in the country by controlling its volume in the market. If necessary, the bank may throw some reserve currency in the market to reduce its rate or removed and placed in reserve in order to improve it.

The second important function of central banks - the settlement of interest rates on deposits in local currency.

In each country, the bank establishes a framework for investors in order to prevent abrupt changes in the national currency in relation to other states. In world currency markets, such changes controls the "Federal Reserve System» (US Federal Reserve), performing the function of the global central bank. Falls and jumps in such currencies as the Euro Central Bank prevents the EU (European Central Bank) and the British central bank (Old Lady). Often, such controls are foreign companies that offer products and services in foreign currency (import / export). Such organizations usually have no access to international currency markets, because of which they have direct access to local commercial banks to conduct foreign exchange currency transactions, which in turn control the central banks. Central banks do not work with individuals, for that there are a huge number of commercial banks offering a huge range of services for loans and deposits. Central Bank following the situation in general, prevent a global catastrophe that could damage the global economy.

The volume of Forex

Forex in its scope exceeds all like him the currency markets. The daily volume of foreign exchange operations, an average of about 2 trillion U.S. dollars, while the daily turnover of the securities market - about three hundred billion dollars. Three-quarters of all transactions forex owned banks of the United States, but a third of the total turnover of Forex (most of) belongs to the UK. In the U.S., for example, rotate an additional 20% of the Germans - 10%. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to earn on Forex

Earn a change in exchange rates, anyone can, going to the nearest exchange. He waited, realizing that the rate of a currency increases, the person is trying to quickly get some money to further its sales. If you want to enrich themselves well in the Forex market, you do not think it is very simple. If you have a small initial capital, it is very difficult. Let's look at why.

In the forex market, the participants enjoyed lever, or margin trading.

Features forex market

The forex market is not a market in the usual sense for all of us. In the currency market Forex trading there are no facilities, no office, central and branch offices. Currency trading forex made by telephone and through the company's trading platform broker that is connected to interstate trading systems and currency markets. The number of transactions of purchase - sale of currency on a global scale, produced every second, equal to several hundred million dollars. Determine the parameters of Forex, which you need to know first.

1. Liquidity Forex market.
On the Forex market are located in the back of huge sums of money. The presence of such money shall ensure that every party to open and close positions at current quotations of any size.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

History of FOREX

In the history of mankind, currency exchange, has always played a significant role. But only in the Middle Ages were established international banks that have adopted exchange financial capital. These documents were considered valid for submission to a third party, which will undoubtedly increase the flexibility and the number of cleared monetary instruments. It is born and the final formation of the market purchase - sale of currency. Exchange market has matured in its present form only in the twentieth century. Market currency trading qualifies periodically by successive phases of increasing the frequency and amplitude of the increase of price changes (volatility of exchange rates), as well as their relative stability. Up to the forties of last century was the base currency trading in London and the UK currency is the currency for the formation of foreign exchange reserves and settlements. As a result of World War II, the UK economy has suffered great damage.

Candlesticks (Japanese candlesticks)

Schedule of candlesticks (Japanese candlestick diagram) is very similar in principle and structure of the chart bars (bar chart). Here, too, are displayed next to all the parameters of foreign exchange rates: the fixation point in the opening position (open), reached a minimum (min), maximum (max), the price value at the time of closing positions (close). As the chart bars, each candle represents the trading period, such as the duration in minutes or hours. Candle chart called this because of its similarity with a candle with a wick. Each column has a marked increase (rectangle), called the candlestick body (real body). Filled filled rectangle (candle gets black fill) indicates that during this period, the price of currency at the close was lower than at the opening, that is, for the entire period, the value of the currency declined. An empty rectangle (candle gets a white fill) means the opposite: closing price exceeded the value of the open price, that is the whole value of the currency has increased over the period. White, empty candle stand out against a black background, as if to say: "Here it is positive period!"

Graphs bars (bar charts)

The graph bars (Bar chart), is perhaps one of the toughest on forex, however, the most informative, with enough clever monitoring system of exchange. It just has all the four values of prices: the opening / closing (open / close), maximum / minimum (min / max). The graph bars represents the combined vertical bars, with the intermediate division, and something like a tick chart, but it provides for other purposes. The ends of each dash isolate the value price for a certain period of time, displayed below, the x-axis (the lower end - the lowest price, top - the maximum). Feature, located on the left of each column, shows the level of the currency value at the beginning of the period. It is called the opening price or starting price (denoted by open). Such a trait, located on the right of each column - value of the currency, the current at the close of a period, it is called the cost of closing time or position (close).

Line charts

At present a variety of forex price charts, one of them, the most widely used, simple and intuitive - a line graph or line chart (line chart). Readability of such plots vary it a minute to one year. Due to this wide selection, a trader always has an opportunity to establish the necessary price of his division (the trading period) and get a visual aid for the analysis of changes in quotations for a set period of time. The graph represents a set of points connected by lines. The vertical scale is traditionally will mark price of the currency, the vertical scale, the scale of the abscissa represents the period of time. This method of presentation is suitable for tracking incremental changes rates for the desired period of time. The whole difficulty lies not in the chart, and in the correct choice of the interval at which it will be possible to determine the trend in rates. It all depends on what action you plan to make if you want to open or close a position, it is desirable to know for how long. Only then can benefit from using a line graph of prices. It can also be used if you are new to Forex and would like to see the jumps and drop rates for the past year, for example. For many, such knowledge provides a good start in the career of a trader. Every newbie should know about the existence of linear plots to be able to apply them in their work. When used properly, a line graph allows you to quickly find a particular situation, to decide on further actions to build the first steps of its strategy. Do not sort out the line graph is the place for a novice virtual stock exchange with a demo account. I recommend to everyone, this is a good opportunity to learn the basics of trading on this exchange.

Tick charts

There are four types of price charts Forex, one of them, which will be covered in this article is the tick (tick chart). This schedule has the lowest scale of one tick. Due to the small time interval in a single tick, this graph represents a set of uneven columns. The height and location of the column on the vertical axis shows the change in value of a currency for the shortest period of time. This method of presentation is best suited to monitor small changes of currencies. Its also nice to use for tracking currencies, the value of the cost of which will change dramatically over a short period of time and currency, value, value which is almost unchanged, but is constantly fluctuating. Every self-respecting trader must be able to use this tool in their work, it helps prostroit precise strategy for further action, coupled with an analysis of various events in the near term. Now, without the knowledge and understanding of the Forex charts do nothing. I recommend to all, before their work properly deal with this kind of schedule, to understand what benefits it provides.

Price Charts

Graphs are one of the most important tools for the trader. The trader receives information on changes in exchange rates relative to the time period, such information is most conveniently represented as a graph. The vertical axis of this graph shows the value of the currency price, the horizontal - the time period changes. Such a schedule allows you to visually see the trend of demand for a particular currency in advance to prepare for its sale or purchase. The horizontal axis (time axis) has a different "price of the division," called taymfreymom or trading period. Trading period is usually on the chart the price of one division of the minutes, up to one year. There is a standard, conventional quotation of time, called a tick.

At the opening of the trading period must always fix two currency prices (buy / sell), which is inconvenient, because of which recorded average bid / ask, then the value of the initial price of the trading period is calculated by the formula (bid + ask) / 2. The peak value of the currency indicated by the index is high and the highest price in the market for a certain period (compared with the value of demand is ask, because it is always higher). Minimum price fixed by the index low - the lowest cost value for the period. In this case fixed to the proposal bid. As supporting information on the schedule set tick volume (tick volume). This parameter indicates the number of changes to the currency value for a set period of time.  
On the FOREX are 4 types of charts: tick (tick chart), line (line chart), bars (bar chart), the graph "Japanese candle» (Japanese candlestick).

Information analysis

There are several types of analysis. All tests are very important for the exchange market. One of the most important tests - information analysis of the exchange market. This analysis allows us to guess where in a short time will move the exchange rate. Information analysis is certainly important for active participants in the exchange market. Take the example of September 11, 2001. On this day, when there was a great tragedy, especially smart traders are able to increase his fortune in two, and some of them three times! Naturally it is clear that they did not expect such a disaster, so the state could increase only the smartest traders, and those who did not manage to sell / buy foreign currency, they have lost a lot of money. Of course, it is clear that any disaster, war, terrorist act, may so alter the exchange rate, that is not even a very rich man can become in times richer, and probably a millionaire, if you quickly orient. Such information on disasters spread instantly over the Internet, and on the only active players with advanced capabilities and accomplishments will be able to quickly buy / sell the currency.

To get the right information quickly and conduct information analysis, you must have the following things: a modern computer, high speed Internet access, a special set of software and all the other things that will help you learn the latest and important news.

Technical analysis

Technical analysis is not bad, I would say a great way to anticipate potential situations and events in the forex market further down the road. He performed with the help of dynamic charts, analysis of price changes over the period. Often, it may seem strange to any, as on the basis of what happened earlier, you can understand what will happen in the future. In fact, it is no secret that even the historical events sooner or later recur. The reason is the fact that every event, every situation is preceded by any reason, realizing that in the future you can simply prevent one or another potential problem. For a trader's worst problem is the sudden drop in prices on the open position they are not foreseeing this, he will suffer significant losses, not to mention profits.

It is worth to stop and think, and that in general can lead to a sharp increase / decrease in demand for a currency and, consequently, to lower its cost. For example, Americans spend a lot of money on military spending, which most likely led to this decline of the dollar. A lot of clever people on this play, many have lost, nothing can be done about it. When someone wins, someone will lose, what can you do, the money did not materialize out of thin air. The bottom line is that you just want to win, you need to know how to analyze price charts. Own schedules, in essence, you only give out statistical information on which to identify the cause of any changes in no way possible. When you see those changes in the course or at a particular time, you have the opportunity to find out what was at that time resulted in such changes. Perhaps at this point was some kind of a big foreign exchange transaction, some company repaid the loan debt, someone invested in the currency of new and emerging technologies. Any currency event may lead to different price changes. You may need to make an analysis of political developments in the country, to follow the actions of central banks, etc. There are many reasons that may affect the value of currencies, it all depends on you whether you can predict, anticipate or that change and play it successfully.

Fundamental analysis

In order to understand the direction of the market, it is necessary to carry out various tests. One such test is - a fundamental analysis of stock market. This analysis is based on the usual factors that may indicate the movement of a particular stock market, which is necessary for an active participant in the exchange market Forex. Usually, all traders are based on factors such as political events, economic and social problems, but it's not all factors affecting the quotation of a currency of a country. Fundamental analysis is very useful and necessary for active traders predicting the economic status of any country, but it is practically useless in the calculation of definite or market prices.

Everything that happens in the country, from politics, economic news, to disasters and mass destruction and called the fundamental parameters (data). There are also two types of traders. There are proponents of fundamental analysis stock market, and there are fans of technical analysis. But in today's stock market hard to do the same type of analysis, as well as an analysis manifests itself in some indications, but not very good or just to others, and other analysis on the contrary, behaves well in the testimony, in which the other appears worse. Because, if you carefully study the long and the various factors affecting the rate of a currency, it is impossible not to notice that it is very difficult to obtain precise knowledge use only fundamental analysis. So if you want to get as much information, you have to learn to use these two analyzes exchange market.

First Steps forex for beginners

First, you must begin the study of financial markets, as well as learn useful information about the exchange rate and trade in the global currency market. Also, beginner to learn forex terminology and understand what a contract for difference and futures. But the most important thing for beginners is to understand how to make money forex trading. In the future, for some forex trading can be just a hobby, interesting and profitable, but for others - the main activity.

Of course, forex beginners need some preparation, like in any business, because they only have to learn to understand and analyze the situation on the market, using different techniques to solve tasks, to anticipate the direction of price, to enter into profitable deals. For beginners forex market there is not only the mass of specialized literature, there is also an opportunity to attend seminars and courses.
And remember, everything was new to the Forex ...

Newbie with a serious approach to learning forex quickly ceases to be something mysterious. All novice forex market will go through the experiences of first transaction, they will have to learn to cope with psychological stress, in fact it often feels a trader.

Forex, subservient, even for beginners!

Successful people who have already achieved results in any kind of activity usually does not rest on their laurels. Modern man has never stopped in its development, it may be courses, seminars and trainings. One of the important activities over time is the game for anyone for whom the work in the Forex market. Developed many programs and courses that are presented with the forex market beginners.

Prior to learning forex for beginners is somewhat unrealistic to complex, intricate, unfathomable and boundless. But, here newcomers explain what forex - it is rather thought-out tactics and awareness of the underlying psychological processes, rather than simply dry statistics and mathematics. Forex beginner players portrayed as an exciting game, which brings considerable income. If you perceive, is available to all forex beginners, it is only necessary to understand the goals and priorities.

Forex Strategy Daily Breakout System

Forex Strategy Daily Breakout System - Another profitable, break-out strategy, forex, something similar to a Forex Strategy "10 points for the EURUSD": It is based on exactly the same breakdown of the maximum and minimum of the previous trading day, but in this strategy, there are additional terms of re-entering the market in cases of price reversal, as well as conditions for entry into the market in a flat.
I recommend selecting a Forex broker with online trading platform MT4!

Forex Strategy "Trading the News"

Forex Strategy "Trading the News" - a strategy for which I traded for some time early in his career and a trader who gave their time in a very, very good DEVIDENDY, and although this strategy was not invented by me, but was tailored to that market time (this was 3-5 years ago).

Frankly, I did not want to publish this strategy, since whether it will work now I do not know ... decided to publish the same, because Many traders I always ask: "How to sell on the news?", "What news give a good impulse?", "Do you have a trading strategy on the news?", etc. And also, some argue that trade on the forex earnings and most importantly do not need to know - you can just sell on the news and everything will be OK ... But unfortunately Most of them are selling out or "penny" accounts or demo accounts .

Strategy Turtle Soup, Turtle Soup plus One

For a few traders asked me to publish on its website Trading System Turtles (or as she calls her still - "Turtle System"), and although this strategy is applicable to all markets and is a very notorious in the past 30 years, but I'm still not going to her publish, but only briefly touch on it, and today we look at Linda Raschke strategy Turtle Soup and Turtle Soup plus One.

Trading System Turtles - medium and long term trading system that was originally invented in the futures markets (including contracts for the Swiss franc, German mark, British pound, French franc, Japanese yen and Canadian dollar) and is based on the breakdown of the 20-day and 55-day extrema (minima and makismumov) - so it certainly can be fully applied in the forex market, but this vehicle is one "but" - rather complex formula for calculating the amount of positions as the value N.

Forex Strategy 6-8 GMT Breakout Strategy

Forex Strategy 6-8 GMT Breakout Strategy - another break forex strategy, sent it to me Machzelet user and it is intended to trade on the currency pair EURUSD (M15), taken as a basis for strategy forex 4-6 GMT Breakout Strategy

For trade I recommend Forex Broker with Metatrader 4

1) Select the currency pair EURUSD, time interval - 15 min (M15), just want to warn you that the transaction in this strategy are not often, on average, 4-7 in a month.

2) In this embodiment, forex strategy, a box is drawn from 6 to 8 to GMT!

3) On the schedule for EURUSD (M15) to add an exponential moving average EMA (100) - to apply to a close.

4) Also on the schedule to add is already known to us from the original strategy - an indicator of jason-breakout-box_v3.ex4 - setting the indicator next to DC Forex4you, Alpari (time, these DC: GMT +1 in winter, in summer - GMT +2).

Forex strategy at Lokiruyuschih orders

Forex strategy at Lokiruyuschih orders - This trading system is very simple and can be both the medium and long enough (we sell it will be for the purpose of paragraphs 200-300), the fastest, it is even just a method of money management than most forex strategy, but nevertheless this strategy trades a trader friend of mine is not the first year and thus earns a living.

To some degree, I was even in his early career trader - a mentor who led him to the forex and gave the most basic knowledge about trade and the market itself. Nevertheless, he found his way to trade the forex market, which fits him best for his lifestyle and that's it and it should be!
In order to trade can choose any Forex Broker!

Forex Strategy 80-20

Forex Strategy 80-20 - another very simple and quite an interesting strategy forex Linda Raschke (previously we looked at two of its strategy: Turtle Soup, Turtle Soup plus One), in which trade is conducted only on the daily range (D1) and the trading signals are only valid in during the 1st trading day.
To trade forex you can use any broker, but I recommend to choose a broker with Metatrader 4

Forex Strategy Momentum Pinball

Forex Strategy Momentum Pinball - Linda Raschke another strategy (recall that earlier we discussed her strategy: 80-20, Turtle Soup), this forex strategy is quite simple and is not long, but nevertheless allows for the right to use it, make a profit on Forex market. Although just want to warn that the deal are not so much (because the signals we receive on a daily interval).
I recommend selecting a Forex Broker with terminal Metatrader4

Strategy Momentum Pinball - multi-currency (ie, suitable for any currency pair), deals are made on the signals of 2 intervals: D1 and H1

To trade on it, we need to be installed on schedule for the chosen currency pair is only one indicator forex:

Forex Tools

Presented here Forex tools can assist you in technical analysis as well as capital management, which greatly improve the performance of your trade. All these on-laynoye Forex tools - is completely free and can be used absolutely free of charge:

Expert advisors for MT4 and MT5 - download free expert advisors for MetaTrader 4 platform (and MetaTrader 5). Test and use of these expert advisors to improve your automated trading in Forex or to assist in devising their own expert advisor for MetaTrader or Forex strategy.

Forex brokers

Every Forex trader like any other professionals need tools to trade. One such tool, and vital, is a Forex broker, and the Internet - online forex broker. This is a company that will provide you with information about the market in real time, as well as execute your trade orders on Forex. Choosing the right Forex broker, look for the following:
  • It should be a professional company that you can trust
  • Provision of relevant quotes
  • Fast and accurate order execution
  • Small fee (spread)
  • Convenient deposit methods you / withdrawal  

Psychology of Trading Forex

If the assiduous study of market analysis and money management - an obvious step to becoming a successful forex trader, to control their emotions, traders often overlooked, though it is - a necessary step for setting trading results in dependence on reason and intuition, rather than of fleeting impulses. Controlling emotions in Forex trading is - finding a balance between greed and caution. Almost any known psychology practices and techniques can work for Forex traders to help him keep the chosen strategy, and do not obey the spontaneous emotions. The problems that you will encounter as a professional Forex trader:
  • greed
  • Excessive trading (overtreyding)
  • lack of discipline
  • uncertainty
  • Blindly following other people's forecasts
But there are very professional books on psychology written specially for financial traders: 
  • Psychology of Forex Market
  • Psychology of Finance

Money Management in Forex

Even if you master every possible method of market analysis and will make very accurate predictions of future behavior of the Forex market, you will not earn much money without a proper management strategy. Managing capital market Forex (as well as on any other financial market) - a comprehensive set of rules that you develop based on their trading style and amount of capital. Money management plays an important role in making a profit on Forex; do not forget about it. To get more information about money management, you can read the following books:
  • Mathematics of Money Management
  • Intraday trading

Forex Technical Analysis

Technical analysis - the process of market analysis that relies only on numerical data on the market - quotes, charts, simple and complex indicators, volume of supply and demand, past market data, etc. The main idea of technical analysis - the postulate of functional dependence of the future market technical data from data obtained previously. Just as with fundamental analysis, technical analysis - is theoretically self-sufficient and you can succeed with just him. In practice, however, usually use both methods of analysis. Recommended books on technical analysis of Forex:
  • Technical Analysis
  • Long-Term Secrets Short-Term Trading

Forex Fundamental Analysis

Fundamental analysis - a process of market analysis, which is made by studying only the "real" events and macroeconomic data related to the traded currencies. Fundamental analysis is used not only for Forex, and may be part of any financial planning and forecasting. The concepts that are part of Forex fundamental analysis: short-term interest rates, meetings and decisions of central banks, any macroeconomic news, global, industrial, economic, political and climate news. Fundamental analysis - the most natural way to predict the behavior of the forex market. In theory, it is sufficient only, but in practice it is often used in conjunction with technical analysis. Recommended books on fundamental analysis of Forex market:
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Speculator
  • The theory of exchange rate

Forex Basics

If you have already read the page "What is Forex?", Then you need to know what the currency market and what it is. If not, then please read it before you go on. There are 5 main aspects of Forex trading. About them to know every trader:

  • Forex Fundamental Analysis
  • Forex Technical Analysis
  • money Management
  • Psychology of Trading Forex
  • Forex brokers
Understanding and learning these basics of trading - is essential in order to consistently profit from trading in the Forex market.

Monday, November 7, 2011

What is Forex?

Forex (FX) - the international currency market - a market where one currency bought and sold in others. This - one of the biggest markets in the world.

Some of the participants in this market are simply seeking to exchange foreign currency for their own or, conversely, to such parties are, for example, transnational corporations, which must pay wages and other costs in some countries, selling products in another. However, much of the market consists of currency speculators who profit from movements in exchange rates, as well as speculators profit by movements in stock prices. Currency traders can take advantage of even small fluctuations in exchange rates.