Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Price Charts

Graphs are one of the most important tools for the trader. The trader receives information on changes in exchange rates relative to the time period, such information is most conveniently represented as a graph. The vertical axis of this graph shows the value of the currency price, the horizontal - the time period changes. Such a schedule allows you to visually see the trend of demand for a particular currency in advance to prepare for its sale or purchase. The horizontal axis (time axis) has a different "price of the division," called taymfreymom or trading period. Trading period is usually on the chart the price of one division of the minutes, up to one year. There is a standard, conventional quotation of time, called a tick.

At the opening of the trading period must always fix two currency prices (buy / sell), which is inconvenient, because of which recorded average bid / ask, then the value of the initial price of the trading period is calculated by the formula (bid + ask) / 2. The peak value of the currency indicated by the index is high and the highest price in the market for a certain period (compared with the value of demand is ask, because it is always higher). Minimum price fixed by the index low - the lowest cost value for the period. In this case fixed to the proposal bid. As supporting information on the schedule set tick volume (tick volume). This parameter indicates the number of changes to the currency value for a set period of time.  
On the FOREX are 4 types of charts: tick (tick chart), line (line chart), bars (bar chart), the graph "Japanese candle» (Japanese candlestick).

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